TEMPLATE: Ramsbury Made to Measure Template
Willoby’s provides a made-to-measure service on our rough sawn Ramsbury range.
If you see something in our ready-made Ramsbury range but is perhaps too small, tall, wide or thin then we can have the dimensions changed to fit your requirements. However, don’t forget about when the furniture needs to be installed and needs to move around bends, up the stairs and through doorways!
We can also provide items that are designed from scratch. So you could have cupboards, drawers and shelves in nearly any combination to suit your needs.
Here are some examples of what we have been requested to make.
- Fish tank base. Fitting perfectly the size of the fish tank unit, with two cupboard doors and a shelf to hold all the essentials.
- Slim line book case. To sit in a small alcove to home books, lamp, and vase of flowers.
- Wardrobe with angled back. To fit snugly into a dormer, maximising on space of the room without affecting hanging all the favourite suits.
- Open fronted walk in wardrobe with hanging rails and space for folded jumpers and trousers.
- Reinforced bench with drawers and pull out tables for washing basket. A washing machine and tumble dryer was sat on the bench so it was higher and easier for the customer to do their washing!
- Room divider shelving unit.
- Cupboard to house utility items. Mops and brooms attached to the inside of the door.
- Table tops custom made to shape of dining areas. Any shape!
If you would like to use this service, then please print off the template (the link is at the top of this page), draw out what you would like, drop into our shop in Wood Street and then confirm with one of our friendly staff members your requirements. Please make sure you add in as much information as possible including all measurements, any obstructions, what is going inside or on top of it etc. We will then send over the measurements over to the workshop to get a quote and double check that the build is possible. You can also collect a template in store and we can guide you through any diagrams if you prefer.
This furniture can also be painted, be waxed or un waxed. Handles can be installed or left for you to add your own choice. There are lots of options!